St. Bonaventure University

Summer Study in Japan


无论你的目标是一生一次的经历, want to build on your resume for that dream job, or looking to leave your comfort zone, 国际经验为你提供了在日益全球化的世界中取得成功所需的技能..

A cultural immersion

Tokyo我们9晚/10天的旅程让您沉浸在现代日本的文化中, 重点关注现代日本的动态城市环境和文化. 


但是,这种由古代世界定义的城市化仍有一种礼貌的秩序. The Osaka Castle, 在16世纪日本的统一中发挥了重要作用, 似乎对周围林立的摩天大楼无动于衷, 是日本独特的现代化历程的生动见证. Japan is a microcosm of civilization at heart.

You will be accompanied by St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学历史系教员克里斯托弗·道尔顿,历史系讲师. 他将带领你完成三学分的HIST 364课程. Modern Japan.

Acceptance, cost & program features

学生应尽早申请,并将通过电子邮件通知他们的接受. 你越早申请并支付定金,你被录取的可能性就越大.

The cost of the program is $5,456 and includes:
  • 从多伦多国际机场来回机票
  • transportation on the ground in Japan
  • a full-time tour director
  • accommodations
  • dinners including regional-style meals
  • guided sightseeing
  • museum, site, and theme park entry fees
  • 三学分课程的学费和行政费用
Not included in the price is breakfasts, lunches, baggage fees, tips and gratuities, document costs, and trip insurance.

A deposit of $800 is suggested on or before Dec. 5, 2023. This secures your spot in the program.
For additional details, visit our Acceptance, Cost & Payments page.

Tour itinerary

您的10天行程包括参观东京秋叶原电电城, the famous Shibuya Crossing, Meiji Shinto Shrine, the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden, and take a guided tour through local markets. 从东京出发,你将乘坐子弹头列车前往京都古城, 在那里您将参观繁华的西锦市场和西锦纺织中心. 

From Kyoto, it's a day trip to Nara, 你会在那里参观东大寺和大佛吗, the world's largest bronze Buddha. Then it's off to Osaka, where you'll visit Osaka Castle, built in the 1580s, and Amerikamura, a hub for youth culture in Osaka.


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